Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is Rosedale Technical College ranked among other trade schools in the US?

Rosedale Technical College has proven to be one of the top trade schools in the US. In 2018, Forbes Magazine ranked Rosedale Tech 11th on the list of Top 25 Two-Year Trade Schools in the country. In 2021, Rosedale Tech ranked 3rd on The Chronicle of Higher Education’s non-profit institution list of 2-Year Colleges with Best Graduation Rates for 2019.

Q: How many students attend Rosedale Technical College?

Because we offer year-round training as well as various program tracks, the number of students that attend Rosedale Tech is always evolving. To meet the shifting enrollment numbers, we continuously adapt our facility and faculty to ensure we are providing intimate classroom environments for our students. Enrollment reports can be found Here.

Q: Do you offer scholarships and/or grants?

Rosedale Technical College accepts many 3rd party scholarships and grants. In addition, the College offers several institutional grants for eligible incoming students that complete the grant application process.

Q: Do you have good relationships and a reputation with employers in the industry?

Rosedale Tech works with over 1,800 regional employers. Although employment is not guaranteed, Rosedale Tech graduates are in high demand.

Q: Do employers offer tuition reimbursement or incentive programs to graduates?

Many of our employer partners offer tuition reimbursement or some other type of incentive programs for graduates.

Q: Are there opportunities to earn credits while in high school?

College credit may be able to be earned for technical courses if a recognizable articulation agreement is in place with a school. Contact us to see if your school has an articulation agreement set up with Rosedale Tech.

Q: How is each program structured?

Our programs are designed to prepare individuals for entry level employment. The degree programs consist of four semesters and most can be completed in 16 months of full time instruction. Diplomas programs consist of four semesters and can be completed in 18 months of instruction. Truck Driving consists of one term and can be completed in 10 weeks. Welding Technician daytime program consists of two semesters and can be completed in 8 months. Welding Technician evening program consists of three semesters and can be completed in 13 months. HVAC evening consists of 3 semesters and can be completed in 13 months.

Our technical programs include a combination of course theory, which incorporates lectures with some hands-on applications (where applicable) as well as a great deal of immersive hands-on training in the labs.

All of our programs are currently taught in person at our Pittsburgh campus

Q: How will my performance be evaluated?

Student performance is evaluated by grades, attendance, and soft skills.

Q: Is there financial aid available?

Financial aid is available to those who qualify.

Q: Is my GI bill accepted to pay for school?

Thanks to the GI Bill, military veterans are in a unique position to take advantage of our programs. Our financial aid team is trained by the VA to assist military personnel with the financial aid process.

Q: How long does it take to get hired after graduation?

The hiring process varies by individual. Some students secure employment prior to graduating, while others it may take different amounts of time. Employment is not guaranteed; however, Rosedale Tech’s Student Success Team provides many opportunities throughout the year for students to connect with employers, through mock interviews, presentations, careers fairs, field trips, and more. In addition, students may set up a time with our job placement coordinator, Maria Gigliotti, for one-on-one discussions about employment opportunities.

Q: What percentage of graduates are hired in their field of study?

For the latest outcome measurements, click Here.

Q: Do you offer job placement services?

Rosedale Tech’s Student Success team is a vital part of the student journey and provides job placement support to students (and graduates). The team proactively works with a network of over 1,800 regional employers to identify employment opportunities available to students. The team also coordinates opportunities throughout the year for students to engage with employers through career fairs, mock interviews, employer presentations, field trips, and more.

Q: Do you offer interview coaching?

Advice and instruction in the techniques of resume preparation, job applications, and interview coaching are provided through Rosedale Tech’s job placement services.

Q: Do you feel safe on campus?

Safety is a high priority at Rosedale Tech. We require that our students and instructors be equipped with appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) when working in the labs. Rosedale Tech has a safety committee that meets regularly to address any safety concerns around the school.

Q: How accessible are your instructors?

Our instructors are known for going above and beyond for students seeking additional support. If a student is showing up to class and putting in the effort, but needs additional support, the instructors will work with the student individually to provide them the resources they need to get ahead.

Instructor support doesn’t end after graduation. Many of our instructors are in regular communication with graduates working in their field of study as mentors and supporters.

Q: How much does it cost to attend?

The cost of Rosedale Tech varies by program. We are not the cheapest option available in the area, so if cost is a higher priority than the quality of education received, we might not be the right place for you. Tuition information can be found Here or in our Course Catalog.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that most students attending Rosedale Tech receive some sort of financial aid, whether that be loans, grants, or scholarships, which can alter the overall investment for each student.

Q: What is a trade school?

A trade school, sometimes referred to as a vocational school, is a post-secondary educational institution that emphasizes career-focused for a specific job field. Students attend a trade school program to learn the skills needed for their chosen career path.

Q: What can you do upon completion of a trade school?

Opportunities can be endless for individuals who graduate from a trade school like Rosedale Tech. For the programs we teach specifically, our graduates go on to work at a variety of large companies or smaller independent “mom and pop” companies. In addition, some of our graduates have chosen to pursue the entrepreneurial path and have opened their own businesses.

The team in our Student Success Center works diligently to expose our students to the different types of employment opportunities available by engaging with our partner employers on a regular basis.

Although employment is not guaranteed, Rosedale Tech graduates are in demand.

Q: What are the current trends in vocational education?

As the baby-boomer generation retires without an equivalent of new talent ready to take over and more high school graduates rethinking the investment of time and money for four-year colleges, skilled technical career training will continue to rise in demand.

Are SAT or ACT scores required for acceptance?

Applicants must complete a recognized entrance exam or an acceptable SAT or ACT score.

Q: How much time is spent in the classroom versus hands-on training?

Theory is a necessary part of courses and we work to incorporate hands-on learning by blending classroom and lab learning to provide opportunities for practical applications of theoretical components.

Q: Do you offer any evening and weekend classes?

Evening programs are available in some of our occupational training paths. Speak with a member of our admissions team to learn more about these programs.

Q: Do I schedule my own classes?

The team in our Student Success Center arranges student schedules. If special accommodations are needed, the team will work individually with a student to meet their needs.

Q: Is a valid driver’s license required?

A valid driver’s license is required to enroll at Rosedale Tech.

Q: Do you offer internships?

Apprenticeship style opportunities are not structured into our programs but may be available on a case-by-case basis. Students participating in supplementary programs, like the Mazda Certification program, may have the opportunity to participate in an apprenticeship program towards the end of their training. Additionally, many employers offer students employment that is flexible with their school schedule and supports their learning objectives.

Q: Are online courses available?

We are proud to offer students in-person, hands-on training. At this time, we do not offer online training.

Does Rosedale offer housing?

Off-site student housing is available for eligible students. More information can be provided during a visit to Rosedale Tech.

Q: Do you accept transfer credits?

We accept transfer credits. Prospective students wishing to transfer credits from another institution need to provide official transcripts for review.

Q: How often are class starts?

New classes typically start every eight weeks. To see when the next class start is scheduled, contact an admissions representative.