Rosedale Tech Guides to Trade School

If you don’t know where to start when looking for a trade school, we can help!
Person with wrench with the text "Our guide to starting trade school"

Do you want an education that can help prepare you for a career? Rosedale Technical College can help you get started in the trades. Trades are the lifeblood of America and there is a growing demand for skilled tradespeople!

If you want to work with your hands and pursue an in-demand career, our programs may be right for you! At Rosedale, you can become certified in:

If you’re curious about which Rosedale Tech program is right for you, download our free guides today!

Choosing a Trade School

Don’t know what trade school to go to? Our guide talks about why Rosedale Tech is a different kind of college. We have been preparing students like you to work in the trades for more than 70 years! Our students get hands-on experience with the knowledge and equipment they need for a career after college.


Preparing for Your Education

Let us help you sort the nuts and bolts. Our guide walks you through some of the important points to consider when going to trade school.

Learn about:

  • Which vocational trade might be right for you.
  • What you need to know about transferring to Rosedale Technical College.
  • Why the trades industry is great for women.
  • And more!


Contact Rosedale Technical College

If you have questions about our programs, reach out to us! A representative will be in touch to help answer your questions. You can also call us at 800-521-6262 and start your future in the trade industry!

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