Applied Business Management Degree Prepares You for Numerous Job Opportunities

Job Opportunity Prep Rosedale Technical College offers many in-demand programs that make our students a valuable resource for hundreds of companies in the Western Pennsylvania area and beyond. We recently announced that we have received approval to create a Applied Business Management program, which is a fast-growing field with job prospects that are slated to […]


Job Opportunity Prep

Rosedale Technical College offers many in-demand programs that make our students a valuable resource for hundreds of companies in the Western Pennsylvania area and beyond. We recently announced that we have received approval to create a Applied Business Management program, which is a fast-growing field with job prospects that are slated to grow by nearly 20% within the next decade.

Job Opportunity

Students who would like to apply their hands-on skills with a management background should consider Applied Business Management. It provides you with business skills for jobs in the commercial, business, and industrial fields. Our graduates will be able to work on the floor or in the offices of plants, factories, and manufacturing centers.

Practical Instruction Based on Theory
Rosedale’s Applied Business Management program will include hands-on instruction and training, plus rigorous classroom instruction. Students will learn how to:

  • Evaluate their business environment, competitions, and goals, and then create both short-term and long-term business plans.
  • Effectively position their company for success by making sound business decisions.
  • Determine organizational needs for different departments.

On-the-Job Training
This program will allow our graduates to experience the same environments that they will eventually be working in. That means that they will not only know how to manage construction, shop, or field sites, they will also have familiarity with industrial equipment, packing equipment, and automated systems.

Graduates will understand how hydraulic systems work, how electrical components work together, and how to operate equipment in different areas.

Stable Jobs in Any Economy
Graduates will be able to work in industrial purchasing, purchasing, and manufacturing management, as well as gain valuable experience to be able to start their own businesses. We expect students to attain jobs as:

  • Operations Technicians
  • Industrial Maintenance Technicians
  • Operations Technicians
  • Office and Equipment Managers

This program is slated to start soon, so contact Rosedale Technical College today to learn more about the Applied Business Management program.

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