Updated May 6, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
Rosedale Technical College
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pertaining to the Covid-19 pandemic issues
- What courses are being offered? General Education classes were offered for many students in April and into May. Over the next few weeks, all students will be scheduled for resuming a normal schedule of classes. These classes will begin with distance education, but we expect that students will be able to come on campus in the near future to complete these classes and do lab/shop work as appropriate.
- When will the next classes start? Continuing students will start their next classes on Monday May 18th, and most new students will start on Tuesday May 26th though some new students start on May 18th. We have already contacted a few Truck Driving students who will have a unique starting date.
- Why are we taking technical classes from home? We plan to cover only the theory portion of our technical classes via distance education, while campus is still closed. We will be doing the hands-on components and shop work on campus, as soon as we are able to reopen. Starting with the theory via distance education is the best solution to keep students progressing forward in their programs while keeping everyone safe and healthy.
- Am I required to take the courses via distance education? No, this is an option. Nearly all of our students are choosing to take advantage of this option to keep moving forward with their training program, but this is not required. Students choosing not to resume classes in May will be place on a Leave of Absence and scheduled to restart in August or later.
- What if I try the distance education and don’t like it? Students will be given a two week window to change their minds and opt for a Leave of Absence instead. Also, we will have coaching and advising available for distance education students. And remember that we expect the distance education will only be required for a limited time.
- Will we get enough shop time? We will make sure each student gets the proper amount of hands-on lab time. We will allow students to schedule extra time in the shop or labs outside of normal school hours, during our summer break, and other times as requested.
- Will my graduation date be affected? This answer will vary by student. Students who are currently taking the distance education offering for General Education classes, and whom also continue with their technical courses, may be eligible to keep their original graduation date or very close to it. Those students not taking General Education classes via distance education, or not taking the technical courses starting in May, will likely have their completion date pushed forward. This answer will vary by student, so please contact us if you have questions.
- When is campus going to reopen for regular classes? There is no set date. The Governor’s order will keep our campus closed until at least May 15, 2020. We are preparing to resume on-campus classes as soon as we can do so safely, but the date is not able to be determined as of yet.
- What class will I be in when we return? We intend to finish the courses which will begin on either May 18th or May 26th depending on the student. Students whose classes were interrupted in March will complete those courses, including any refresher time as needed, in July.
- What if I am unable to restart classes when campus opens? Contact the Education department as soon as possible so we can work with you. Contact Kara Chan at kara.chan@rosedaletech.edu or call/text to 412-852-4522, or Julie Weber at julie.weber@rosedaletech.edu or call/text to 412-275-4357.
- How will the school schedule be affected going forward, like for Summer Break? As of now, the Summer Break will remain as scheduled (July 18 – August 2). However, there is a possibility that the schedule may change. We will provide updates regarding the college schedule periodically.
- Will the June 19, 2020 graduation ceremony still happen? We are planning to have a virtual ceremony on June 19th, since having 500 people in one room as we have in our normal ceremonies will not be appropriate under our current circumstances. Also, all graduates will be invited to participate in the next graduation ceremony this fall. We will update affected students as soon as we can.
Finance/Financial Aid
- What is the best way to contact the Financial Aid department? You may text, call or email. Specific contact info by person is below, or call the main campus number 412-521-6200.
- Kim Bell kim.bell@rosedaletech.edu 412-436-5257
- Rose Leipertz rose.leipertz@rosedaletech.edu 412-424-6518
- Valerie Veltri valerie.veltri@rosedaletech.edu 412-444-7162
- Dannielle Sweigert dannielle.sweigert@rosedaletech.edu 412-504-7628
- Am I being charged tuition while not taking classes? Students are only charged during time when they are taking classes. Students taking classes via distance education will be charged normal tuition and receive full academic credit.
- Will there be a refund for taking classes via distance education? We will refund any lab fees for the classes taken via distance education due to the Covid-19 virus. Tuition will not be changed.
- What is the Emergency Financial Aid Grant? All current students were mailed an application for a special emergency grant funded by the US Dept of Education. Any current student in good standing who submits a signed application demonstrating a financial impact due to the Covid-19 situation is eligible to receive a grant. The amount will vary based on need. The initial checks are expected to be mailed out by Friday May 8th. If you have not submitted an application, please call our Financial Aid office as soon as possible. All students must submit a form.
- Will I lose my financial aid package because of the shutdown? No, your financial aid package will remain in place. Contact the financial aid department for individual questions.
- Where can I check the status of my student loans? Students may go to the “studentaid.gov” website and login with their FSA ID and password for detailed federal loan information. You may also contact someone from our financial aid team to assist you.
- Can I stop paying on my student loans? The Federal Direct Student Loans have been suspended by the Dept of Education. Through September 30, 2020, payments are not required and interest is not being charged. However, private loans through any other lender (Sallie Mae, PA Forward, private banks, etc) might not be suspended. Students with private loans should contact their lender for questions.
- What about my Veteran’s benefits? Veteran students should not be penalized for this unplanned suspension of classes, however we may need to assist you in working with the VA. Veteran students taking classes should continue to receive normal MHA benefits. Veteran students not taking classes should contact Valerie Veltri or Kim Bell to discuss their benefits.
- When will normal refund checks be available? This will vary by student. If you believe you are due a refund, please contact John Litwin or Brian Capellupo. Call the college main number at 412-521-6200 or email john.litwin@rosedaletech.edu or brian.capellupo@rosedaletech.edu.
- Will there be refunds for meal plans or for student housing? Meal plan accounts are being held in place, so no funds will be lost. If you have specific questions about housing costs or meal plans, please contact John Litwin.
- What will happen with my Work Study job and pay? We have been continuing to pay normal work study job hours via the regular payroll process. For specific questions on work study jobs, please contact John Litwin, Kim Bell, or your supervisor.
Student Services
- Can I get help finding a job during the shutdown? Our job placement team is working remotely to continue helping students. Contact Maria Gigliotti via email at maria.gigliotti@rosedaletech.edu for individual assistance or call/text 412-888-0804.
- What do I do if I need help with doing my classes from home? Contact your instructor or Kara Chan. We will have technical support, coaching and advising available for all students. We also may be able to help with device or internet issues.
- What assistance is available for alumni who lost their jobs due to the virus? Our job placement services are always available to alumni. Contact Maria Gigliotti (see contact info in #1 above).
- Can I get help with other family issues? Our student assistance program “Back on Track” is free and available for you. Call 800-566-5933 for help.
Miscellaneous Questions
- What steps have been taken to disinfect the campus? Our maintenance department has been working through the shutdown to clean every surface in both buildings. We are fully stocked with cleaning supplies.
- Has any student or faculty/staff been infected? To our knowledge, no infected person has been on campus. Due to HIPAA Law, we will not disclose any individual health situation.
- What is the plan for when the school reopens? We have created a comprehensive draft of our “Safe Open Plan” which covers all parts of the college, including cleaning schedules, PPE use, safe distancing, etc. Our plan complies with directions given by the Governor, CDC and other authorities. It will be published as soon as we have a firm idea on when we can reopen.
- What is happening at the Penn Commons building for student housing? Penn Commons remains open for current students, and they are doing virtual tours for new students. Current students can talk to Financial Aid about housing cost refunds. New students can speak with Amy Banks in our Admissions Department about housing options.
- I have a friend who is interested in Rosedale, are you giving tours? We can do video tours remotely. Contact the main campus at 412-521-6200 and ask for admissions.
- My question wasn’t on this list, what do I do? Contact the college at 412-521-6200 and we will connect you to the right person or department.
Updated April 22, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.
To: Rosedale Technical College Students, Faculty and Staff
From: Dennis Wilke, President
As always, I hope and pray that each of you and your loved ones continue to remain healthy and safe in this extended time of crisis. We care about the whole you, not just your role as a student. Beyond the obvious physical health risks, please nurture your mental health as well. Please know that we have been very busy making plans for the future. Here is an update:
- Still no clear date from Gov. Wolf on when we can resume on-campus classes. We do have a plan to hopefully restart classes more completely at some point in May, with significant changes to accommodate the necessary safety measures.
- Quality matters! Our goal is to provide the best possible learning experience within the proper safety parameters.
- On Monday April 20th, we mailed out grant applications to current students for the new Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund. For questions about this grant, please contact Kim Bell at kim.bell@rosedaletech.edu, text/call her at 412-436-5257, or call the school at 412-521-6200. Every student must return this form, even if you think you may not qualify.
- The Maintenance team has deeply cleaned and is adapting for safe interactions for when students return to campus. Safety measures include: plexiglass dividers, distance between chairs, propping doors open, providing sanitizer, and personal protective equipment.
- “Handshake” is now available to all students and alumni. The student services team has implemented this new online resource to make job placement even easier for students. You can download the “Handshake Jobs & Careers” App and create your own account, or go to joinhandshake.com for the web version. Contact maria.gigliotti@rosedaletech.edu or text/call Maria at 412-888-0804 with questions.
- Our staff is still fully available to serve you. One-on-one personal service is available upon your request. Call 412-521-6200 or refer to the 3-27-20 memo for other contact info.
As a reminder, all students continue to have free access to “Back On Track”, our counseling resource service. Call 800-566-5933 for help on a variety of issues. Or visit www.backontrackeap.com and use Web ID: 1018 and Password: confidential help.
Updated April 16, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.
To: Rosedale Technical College Students, Faculty and Staff
From: Dennis Wilke, President
I hope and pray that each of you and your loved ones continue to remain healthy and safe in this extraordinary time of crisis. As always, our concerns are about the whole you, not just your role as a student. Beyond the obvious physical health risks, we need to watch our mental health as well. The situation continues to be fluid, though some clarity is emerging. The team at Rosedale has been continuously discussing our response for now and into the future. Here is an update:
- We do not yet have a firm date to resume on-campus classes, although we are creating a plan to restart classes more completely at some point in May. That timetable is subject to change, and the method of instruction might be a little different to accommodate the necessary safety measures.
- The General Education courses via remote instruction option has been accepted by over 100 students with mixed but mostly positive results. It is clearly not working perfectly for every student, but many students are being successful in this new platform.
- Quality matters! We will only create a possible plan to restart classes in a way that our students can have an excellent learning experience.
- The Maintenance team is currently adapting our facility to accommodate safe interactions for when students return to campus. We will be using various safety measures, possibly including: plexiglass dividers, creating distance between chairs, propping doors open where possible, providing disinfectant and sanitizer, and other personal protective equipment.
- Next week you will be receiving an application in the mail from Rosedale’s Financial Aid Office for emergency student assistance grant funds. This application will help us to determine eligibility and to allocate the funds. Please reply to that letter immediately.
- Our staff is still fully available to serve you. One-on-one personal service is available upon your request. Call 412-521-6200 or refer to the 3-27-20 memo for other contact info.
- As a reminder, all students continue to have free access to “Back On Track”, our counseling resource service. Call 800-566-5933 for help on a variety of issues. Or visit backontrackeap.com and use Web ID: 1018 and Password: confidential help.
Updated April 7, 2020 at 12:00 p.m.
Rosedale Technical College
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) pertaining to the Covid-19 pandemic issues
- Will my graduation date be affected? This answer will vary by student. Students who are eligible for and currently taking the distance education offering for General Education classes might be able to keep their original graduation date. Those students not taking General Education classes via distance education will likely have their completion date pushed forward. This answer will vary by student.
- Am I required to take the General Education courses via distance education? No, this is an option. Many of our students are able to take advantage of this option to keep moving forward with their training program, but this is not required. Not every student has this option however.
- Why are only General Education courses being offered via distance learning? Our primary concern in offering distance education is the quality of the experience for students. We believe that our General Education courses can be provided in a high quality manner. However, we believe that our Technical courses are more effective when students have access to the shops and labs. We are continuously evaluating the opportunity to offer some portion of the Technical classes via distance learning in the future.
- When is campus going to reopen for regular classes? There is no set date. The Governor’s order will keep our campus closed until at least April 30, 2020. We are preparing to resume on-campus classes as soon as we can do so safely, but the date is not able to be determined as of yet.
- What class will I be in when we return? We intend to finish the courses which were interrupted by the virus response, including any refresher time as needed. Individual class schedules will then vary by student for the next term as typical.
- What if I am unable to restart classes when campus opens? Contact the Education department as soon as possible so we can work with you. Contact Kara Chan at kara.chan@rosedaletech.edu or call/text to 412-852-4522, or Julie Weber at julie.weber@rosedaletech.edu or call/text to 412-275-4357.
- How will the school schedule be affected going forward, like for Summer Break? As of now, the Summer Break will remain as scheduled (July 18 – August 2). However, there is a possibility that the schedule may change. We will provide updates regarding the college schedule periodically.
- Will the June 19, 2020 graduation ceremony still happen? We will have a ceremony, but it may be different than our original plan. Putting 500 people in one room as we have in our normal ceremonies might not be the best plan under our current circumstances. We will update affected students as soon as we can.
Finance/Financial Aid
- What is the best way to contact the Financial Aid department? You may text, call or email. Specific contact info by person is below, or call the main campus number 412-521-6200.
- Kim Bell kim.bell@rosedaletech.edu 412-436-5257
- Rose Leipertz rose.leipertz@rosedaletech.edu 412-424-6518
- Valerie Veltri valerie.veltri@rosedaletech.edu 412-444-7162
- Dannielle Sweigert dannielle.sweigert@rosedaletech.edu 412-504-7628
- Am I being charged tuition while the school is closed temporarily? No, students are only charged during time when they are taking classes. This time period is similar to our Summer or Winter Breaks, when everything basically goes on hold. Students taking the General Education classes via distance education will be charged normal tuition since they are taking classes.
- Will I lose my financial aid package because of the shutdown? No, your financial aid package will remain in place. Contact the financial aid department for individual questions.
- Where can I check the status of my student loans? Students may go to the “studentaid.gov” website and login with their FSA ID and password for detailed federal loan information. You may also contact someone from our financial aid team to assist you.
- Can I stop paying on my student loans? The Federal Direct Student Loans have been suspended by the Dept of Education. Through September 30, 2020, payments are not required and interest is not being charged. However, private loans through any other lender (Sallie Mae, PA Forward, private banks, etc) might not be suspended. Students with private loans should contact their lender for questions.
- What about my Veteran’s benefits? Veteran students will not be penalized for this unplanned suspension of classes. Veteran students taking General Education classes will continue to receive normal MHA benefits as well. Veteran students not taking General Education classes should contact Valerie Veltri or Kim Bell to discuss their benefits.
- When will refund checks be available? This will vary by student. If you believe you are due a refund, please contact John Litwin or Brian Capellupo. Call the college main number at 412-521-6200 or email john.litwin@rosedaletech.edu or brian.capellupo@rosedaletech.edu.
- Will there be refunds for meal plans or for student housing? Meal plan accounts are being held in place, so no funds will be lost. If you have specific questions about housing costs or meal plans, please contact John Litwin.
- What will happen with my Work Study job and pay? We have been continuing to pay normal work study job hours via the regular payroll process. For specific questions on work study jobs, please contact John Litwin, Kim Bell, or your supervisor.
Student Services
- Can I get help finding a job during the shutdown? Our job placement team is working remotely to continue helping students. Contact Maria Gigliotti via email at maria.gigliotti@rosedaletech.edu for individual assistance or call/text 412-888-0804
- What do I do if I need help with doing my General Education classes from home? Contact Mark Martin at mark.martin@rosedaletech.edu or call/text him at 412-376-4130. You may have also been given an additional distance education mentor to contact.
- What assistance is available for alumni who lost their jobs due to the virus? Our job placement services are always available to alumni. Contact Maria Gigliotti (see contact info in #1 above).
- Can I get help with other family issues? Our student assistance program “Back on Track” is free and available for you. Call 800-566-5933 for help.
Miscellaneous Questions
- What steps have been taken to disinfect the campus? Our maintenance department has been working through the shutdown to clean every surface in both buildings. We are fully stocked with cleaning supplies.
- Has any student or faculty/staff been infected? To our knowledge, no infected person has been on campus. Due to HIPAA Law, we will not disclose any individual health situation.
- I have a friend who is interested in Rosedale, are you giving tours? We can do video tours remotely. Contact the main campus at 412-521-6200 and ask for admissions.
- My question wasn’t on this list, what do I do? Contact the college at 412-521-6200 and we will connect you to the right person or department.
Updated March 27, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
To: Rosedale Technical College Students, Faculty and Staff
From: Dennis Wilke, President
I hope and pray that each of you and your loved ones remain healthy and safe in this extraordinary time of crisis. As always, our concerns are about the whole you, not just your role as a student.
Everything seems to be changing by the minute, and it is challenging to stay fully up to date. The management team at Rosedale has been continuously working through the various scenarios of how the situation will affect our students and our college in general. Here is an update:
- We do not yet have a firm date to resume on-campus classes, although we are tentatively working with an end of April/early May possible return. That timetable is subject to change.
- We have received approval to offer some General Education courses via remote instruction. Some of our students will be able to choose this option if they desire. No student will be forced to take remote classes; it will be an option. Not everyone will have this option, however, since it depends on your program and schedule. Students will be notified individually as soon as possible.
- Quality matters. Thus, we have decided not to pursue offering our technical classes via remote learning, for now. We know that the “hands on” component of our curricula is too important and vital for our students to learn the necessary skills.
- The Financial Aid, Education, Job Placement, Student Services and Finance departments have been and will continue to be working to serve you, mostly from their homes. We will continue to offer one-on-one personal service to our students upon your request. If you need assistance in contacting any staff member, please call our main number 412-521-6200. Email addresses for staff members are on the attached page.
- No Rosedale student will be penalized by this suspension of classes. Tuition charges will remain the same, and you will not be charged additionally due to the unscheduled break. This time period is being treated very similarly to our Summer and Winter break periods, with everything basically on hold.
- Federal and state legislation continues to come out with various measures to help students across the country. There are several pieces of the current legislation that are very favorable to students with financial aid. As soon as the bill becomes law, we will provide more details.
- As a reminder, all students continue to have free access to “Back On Track”, our counseling resource service. Call 800-566-5933 for help on a variety of issues. Or visit backontrackeap.com and use Web ID: 1018 and Password: confidential help.
- We will provide an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) memo next week to provide general answers to some of our more common student questions.
Staff email addresses:
President Dennis Wilke dennis.wilke@rosedaletech.edu
Director of Education Kara Chan kara.chan@rosedaletech.edu
Student Services Coordinator Maria Gigliotti (Job Placement) maria.gigliotti@rosedaletech.edu
Student Services Coordinator Julie Weber (Registrar/Transcripts) julie.weber@rosedaletech.edu
Manager of Financial Aid Kim Bell kim.bell@rosedaletech.edu
Financial Aid Coordinator Rose Leipertz rose.leipertz@rosedaletech.edu
Financial Aid Coordinator Valerie Veltri valerie.veltri@rosedaletech.edu
Financial Aid Coordinator Dannielle Sweigert dannielle.sweigert@rosedaletech.edu
Director or Finance John Litwin john.litwin@rosedaletech.edu
VP College Development & Enrollment Craig Rosati craig.rosati@rosedaletech.edu
Senior Admissions Advisor Dave Detar dave.detar@rosedaletech.edu
Admissions Representative Patrick Veri patrick.veri@rosedaletech.edu
Admissions Representative Amy Banks amy.banks@rosedaletech.edu
Manager of Educational Facilities Dave Sladky dave.sladky@rosedaletech.edu
Updated March 16, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.
Based on new information this afternoon, Rosedale Tech will cease classes indefinitely. For students due to graduate next Friday, we might be able to make special arrangements for you to finish. Contact Kara Chan if interested at kara.chan@rosedaletech.edu
Updated March 16, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.
Rosedale Tech will offer the ability for students to proceed with their courses through a combination of remote/online work and some on campus instruction to complete the two weeks remaining in the current term. We have created unique plans for each class/instructor, and we are communicating those plans to each student according to which class they are in. Any student who feels uncomfortable with the plan for their class or who is experiencing any illness should contact Director of Education Kara Chan to determine an alternate plan. We are working at the individual student level to provide the flexibility necessary to help each student succeed within their own situations.
Our plans meet the official guidelines per governmental authorities to limit the number of people in a confined area. Some classes will be offered the opportunity to attend for on campus instruction on certain days, while some other classes may be offered entirely to work from home. Students who desire to use computer access on campus should contact Kara Chan or their instructor to schedule a time to come in to use our resources. For class instruction that is on campus, we will provide for safe separation from other people, and we have created an intensified cleaning process. Please note that only a small portion of our student body will be permitted to come on campus at one time, and there is a staggered schedule to accommodate the remaining 2 weeks of this term.
The Steel Toe Station cafeteria will open with a limited menu and with a “to go” model of operation. The college will provide some items at reduced or zero cost for students, subject to change. Breakfast service may not be available, but we will adjust to the demand. Evening dinner service will be available, though we will likely close a little earlier than normal.
Questions regarding other student services can be directed to the appropriate staff for each of those areas. Our offices will remain open to provide services to students, whether in person or by phone/email. Campus wide events (like Open House & Career Fair) and shadow days are being postponed until further notice.
Plans for the new term start on March 30th are being finalized. We are preparing to adjust schedules to offer most instruction via remote/online access. We may offer some classes to have partial on campus instruction with staggered schedules, similar to our approach for the next 2 weeks. We will provide each student their specific proposed plan for the next term sometime soon.
All of these plans and procedures are subject to change as this situation evolves. Remember that we are here to work with each individual student to respond to your needs. Contact us to discuss your concerns. We will work with you to find the best solution for each individual student.
Some key contacts:
Dennis Wilke, President dennis.wilke@rosedaletech.edu
Kara Chan, Director of Education kara.chan@rosedaletech.edu
Kim Bell, Financial Aid Manager kim.bell@rosedaletech.edu
Craig Rosati, VP College Enrollment & Development craig.rosati@rosedaletech.edu
And/or you may contact any other faculty or staff member that you’ve been working with.
The office phone number is 412-521-6200.
March 12, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.
Rosedale Technical College is committed to acting in our students’ best interests in all matters of health, safety and education. Our approach to operations in light of the current Coronavirus situation will change and evolve as new information becomes available. Our current official policy and approach is explained below. For questions regarding this matter, please contact either President Dennis Wilke or Director of Education Kara Chan. You may call the main office number at 412-521-6200 or email to dennis.wilke@rosedaletech.edu or kara.chan@rosedaletech.edu.
Any Rosedale student or employee exhibiting flu-like symptoms should call off and stay home until 24 hours after symptoms cease. Be especially observant of any fever over 100 degrees.
- Flexibility with regards to attendance accommodations will be available. Students can communicate with our Director of Education to make sure that their absence will not affect their grades or official attendance record negatively.
- Rosedale has intensified our internal cleaning schedules and we have stocked sanitizing supplies for student, faculty and staff use. We are working with our suppliers and external cleaning services to remain prepared as the situation evolves.
- Rosedale continues to urge extra emphasis on cleanliness, handwashing, limits on physical contact unless necessary.
- Due to the nature of the school’s operations, with small class sizes, no residence halls, and hands-on lab instruction requirements, at this point in time we will remain open under our normal schedule. This is subject to change based on new information or reported cases.
Information from the Center for Disease Control may be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html