Rosedale Tech a Preferred College Partner of The Pittsburgh Promise

Rosedale Technical College is proud to be part of The Pittsburgh Promise Preferred College Partners list.  Rosedale Tech was one of seven schools that recently joined the list, as mentioned in an article published by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, bringing the total to 33 schools. According to a news release, Promise Preferred schools offer additional grants […]

Rosedale Technical College is proud to be part of The Pittsburgh Promise Preferred College Partners list.  Rosedale Tech was one of seven schools that recently joined the list, as mentioned in an article published by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, bringing the total to 33 schools.

According to a news release, Promise Preferred schools offer additional grants for room and board for Promise scholars, as well as additional transition and academic support.

The Pittsburgh Promise’s mission is to “promotes high educational aspirations among urban youth, funds scholarships for post-secondary access, and fuels a prepared and diverse regional workforce” (

The Pittsburgh Promise has awarded over $134.5 million to 8,848 students in the City of Pittsburgh who have gone on to attend 136 post-secondary schools.  We have had the privilege of educating many of the Pittsburgh Promise students throughout the years in many of our degree training programs.  Some Promise students have also had the opportunity to take multiple programs.

We look forward to continuing our partnership with The Pittsburgh Promise and commend them on their dedication to offering post-secondary education opportunities to children in the City of Pittsburgh.




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